This route is currently unavailable - all seats are sold out, or no more buses are scheduled for this year.
Back by Popular demand for 2024
147 km From toronto
1.5 hours
Coach bus
Ticket Prices
- Regular rate$120
- Students / Seniors $108
- Children$60
- Regular rate$78
- Students / Seniors$70
- Children$39
Coach seating, AC, bathroom
Stops in Wasaga Beach
Wasaga Beach

We drop you off at one of the many municipal entrance points to enjoy the beach for the day. The main beach boardwalk has retail and restaurant options, but be sure to come prepared for a day at the beach with water and snacks. Remember, leave no trace, keep the beaches clean and bring reusable options with you.
Estimated Arrival
09:30 AM
09:30 AM
03:30 PM
03:30 PM
Pickup Locations In Toronto
34 Asquith Ave (Yonge-Bloor)

34 Asquith is located about 100 meters from Bloor-Yonge subway entrance (Yonge Street Entrance).
07:30 AM
07:30 AM
Estimated Return
07:00 PM
07:00 PM